So you want to debate your Baptist brother on the issue of
paedo-baptism do you? Before you do, you'd better take a quick minute to remind yourself of
the things you already know. Like...
Baptists Are People
I don’t mean “Treat everyone as an individual and with respect”—although
that’s true. I mean, before doing anything else, check yourself. In a forum
full of people shooting at each other it can be tempting to think you can fly
in, carpet bomb the inhabitants with a bunch of winning arguments, and then
have the other side helplessly converting against their will to the sound of
thunderous applause. You can’t, and that’s a dumb fantasy anyway. Instead, you
need to remember that your brother is a rational, but also an emotional and
volitional creature and therefore will not be convinced apart from a personal touch over
time. People resist arguments because they have an emotional preference for stability, and because of inertia, not necessarily because your argument is bad (though it
might be). Many Baptists, perhaps even most, hold their belief because that’s
what they were taught and because it’s working well for them, and this forms an
incentive for them to go on holding it. Admitting they were wrong probably
means more than providing intellectual assent; it also likely requires making some personal changes they don’t relish or welcome. It’s
normal then that their first, second, and third impulse is to reject what
you’re saying. If the Baptist you’re working with hasn’t really thought about the
topic of covenants or infant baptism then it’s almost certain they’re going to have a strong negative emotion or
reaction to your argument, particularly if they don’t have a good intellectual answer to give. They might even
turn on the cap locks or start talking about your mama. That’s okay. It’s the internet. Strong emotions are to be expected
in a debate like this. Just give them some space, be polite, be charitable—or
as they’d say in the old days, be Christian. There’s a lot on the line here
whether you realize it or not, because it’s very
possible you’re asking them to give up all their friends in accepting your
stance. So don’t be pushy. Besides resisting change is a defense mechanism that
bears a lot of good fruit in general. You do the same and it’s wise of you. Most
decisions will happen later as they mull over what you’ve offered them.
If you’re working with a Baptist who has thought about it however, who’s bright but for whatever reason absolutely
will not defend their own position (keep reading to see what I mean), then that’s
okay too. Let it go. God will make them Presbyterians when they get to glory.
Stop The Strawmen
A strawman argument is when you change what your opponent is
saying to something slightly different so that you can knock it over and make
yourself look good. The strawman is easy to vanquish because it’s powerless
against you—thus making this debate maneuver impossible to resist. Seriously,
I’m convinced this is fallacy is quite literally irresistible. PHD’s in
theology keep them in their fancy coats for emergencies just as readily as the
lowly internet troll who prop up those bad-boys right at the start of the
discussion. Expect it.
99 out of 100 times this happens because your Baptist
brother is attempting to run a reducto-ad-absurdum
against you to show that the logical stopping point of your doctrine is folly.
They will say, “If infants don’t need to have faith when you baptize then why
do adults need faith either? Why not just round up everyone and baptize them?” Or,
“Baptizing children will make them think they’re saved since they’re now in the
covenant, so you’re harming them by baptizing them.” They think they’ve got a
handle on your position and can show you the problem with it (normally a very
powerful trick) while in reality they’re simply misrepresenting you. If this
happens then do the following two things to get the discussion unstuck.
First, don’t straw man them, ever. I cannot
stress this enough. If you hear the words “That’s not what we believe” then apologize immediately. Don’t try to
argue that since they restrict the new covenant to the elect that they should
baptize upon election rather than upon confession. They believe people are to
be baptized upon a credible confession of faith so respect that. Answer what
they’re saying, not what you’d like them to be saying because it’s easier for
you. In fact, just don’t do reductos altogether.
The second thing to do once the Baptist trots out the scarecrows
(assuming you are blameless because you took my advice above) is to abort the
discussion. I mean that. Refuse to go on until they acknowledge your actual viewpoint. If they can’t
articulate your position in a way that you agree with then wait there until they’ve
made a U-turn and come back around. It can happen to the best of us so be
gracious when it does, but be polite and firm about discontinuing your debate. This
is because if they want to make strawmen and don’t want to acknowledge their error
then you’re done anyway, and you may as well politely excuse yourself from the
wheat field. If you do decide to stay
then have the good sense to keep your mouth shut so you can better enjoy the comforting
warmth of the burning straw your brother is graciously providing you.
Embrace the Asymmetry
No matter how smart the Baptist you’re talking to is—even if
a medium conjures Spurgeon from the grave and channels him into your online
discussion—don’t take it for granted that the Baptist probably thinks you’re an
irrational actor. To him you’re in the grip of a strange and unhealthy set of
doctrines propagated by circumstance, something like voo-doo, or Roman
Catholicism, though probably less damnable. In other words, you’re holding
opinions which are to him totally insane.
The older, wiser, and more stable of your Baptist brothers won’t be in this
bind so much, but default position of the Baptist means that both covenants and baptism are defined in such a way that your position is
incomprehensible from the get go.
Again, this means two things.
The first thing is that your personal dealings must be more pure than your opponent for the sake of your testimony. He may call you names and think you’re stupid, but you may not do it back, not only because that’s not good Christian behavior, but because he already suspects you of being brain damaged to begin with. Even if you feel it’s unfair the Baptists can start a knife fight whilst you shout gentlemanly phrases like “I say sir” and “the constable shalt hear of this” you cannot afford to allow him an opportunity to think he’s right about you. You must show the most excellent Festus that your learning hasn’t made you insane but is both true and reasonable.
Again, this means two things.
The first thing is that your personal dealings must be more pure than your opponent for the sake of your testimony. He may call you names and think you’re stupid, but you may not do it back, not only because that’s not good Christian behavior, but because he already suspects you of being brain damaged to begin with. Even if you feel it’s unfair the Baptists can start a knife fight whilst you shout gentlemanly phrases like “I say sir” and “the constable shalt hear of this” you cannot afford to allow him an opportunity to think he’s right about you. You must show the most excellent Festus that your learning hasn’t made you insane but is both true and reasonable.
Secondly it means the place you fight will always end up at
the definition of the word covenant.
As long as you let the Baptist use his own definition of baptism there’s absolutely
no chance of him seeing your position as Biblical, so it’s better to know that
going in. The result of this is that he’s laboring to prove you’re holding
unbiblical positions and are in serious error while you’re laboring to show he
needs to go just a little further. Baptists think Presbyterians are holding
wrong views, Presbyterians think Baptists are not wrong in their knowledge, just
Get Them To Play Defensively
I’m not sure how to get this done as an internet nobody, but
if you’re debating a friend or a charitable brother, this is a lot easier to
achieve. When debating a Baptist your goal is to get your brother to
demonstrate with Scripture the reason he holds to a covenant discontinuity. Your
aim is not to show why Presbyterianism is right so much as make him show himself
why Baptist theology is groundless.
Ask him the question, “on what grounds are children removed from the new
He’ll respond by saying “children are not explicitly included it in.”
“But children were in the others right?”
“Well yeah.”
“So why not this last one? On what Scriptural grounds are they now excluded?”
He’ll respond by saying “children are not explicitly included it in.”
“But children were in the others right?”
“Well yeah.”
“So why not this last one? On what Scriptural grounds are they now excluded?”
You need to offer a point that gets under their skin and
causes them to hang up all the pat answers they’ve stored up for such a time as
this and really dig into the things themselves. Ask them to prove their
presuppositions from Scripture. The two most common answers will be a variation
of dispensationalism, or that the child element was fulfilled in Christ. Both
are easy to refute once admitted. It may of course take awhile, but if you can
get a promise from the Baptist to give you a defense of his doctrines based on
careful Biblical analysis, then you’ve won the church a
shiny new Presbyterian.